Toronto Weekend- Saturday, August 23, 2008
We went to the CNE and arrived there between 10 and 11:00, shortly after it opened. It was OK, but in many ways its so much smaller than it was when we used to come. You can't go to Ontario Place unless you pay extra. There's no Blue Jays game to go to. Many of the buildings and exhibits that we used to go to have been consolidated into one, so there's not as many things to see. There aren't as many shows as there used to be, I don't think, and what there are are not very interesting. They've been replaced with casinos and things that don't really interest us. It was OK, but we paid $20 for parking and admission on top of that. Still, we were ready to go around 4:00 in the afternoon. If we don't come next year, we'll be fine.
We ate lunch at the Food Building, and each of us had a different thing (although they certainly don't have the variety that they used to). The girls had fun looking animals. "The Farm" had moved from where it was last year to the building that used to be the "Better Living Centre," so they got to see quite a few animals there. They went to the petting zoo, and also saw a reptile exhibit. We went through the International area, but after that, we had enough, and worked our way out.
We followed the CN tower down to where Scott's comic convention is tomorrow to pick up his ticket. That could have been better timed because the Blue Jays game had just ended. (We were going to head there on our way in this morning, but Emma had to go to the bathroom, so we went straight to the CNE). Still, we got Scott set and headed to our hotel in Mississauga. We ate at a Boston Pizza, and now the three girls are in the pool.