Saturday, Feb. 15, 2014- Portsmouth, NH
The memorial service for Uncle Duane started at 2:00 PM, and was held in the gymnasium of Portsmouth High School. For years he was the announcer and broadcaster for many sports at Portsmouth High School. He was known as the "Voice of the Clippers," and an empty chair sat in front of his usual microphone, with has maroon and white hat and jacket showing the school colors there. Hundreds of people were in the bleachers for the service.
The service itself had many highlights. One of his grandchildren sang a beautiful version of "What a Wonderful World," and even though they appeared to be having trouble playing the accompanying music, he probably gave an even more moving performance singing it a capella. Several people spoke, including his son-in-law Chris (Shelley's husband), the Athletic Director of Portsmouth schools, and his son Darryl. We saw video of when the press box at the football field was named for him a few years ago. And the Marine's color guard brought the proceedings to a close, unfolding the flag for "Taps" and then presenting it to Aunt Sandie. The ceremony was covered here.
After the ceremony there was a get together at Shelly's house that Grandpa and Grandma went to, but we chose to head north into Maine. From one our earlier trips through, we remembered a fun Maine-themed store that we wanted to find again. By now a new storm system had moved in, and the snow was coming down quite heavily. It looked pretty in the trees and on the houses as we drove up the coast. It certainly felt like Maine. We asked directions at the Maine Visitors Center that we found, and eventually made it to the store we were looking for. For future reference, it's the Kittery Trading Post. The girls shopped here some. We went to Panerea Bread for dinner. We had promised Anna some mall shopping, so we went to the mall at Fox Run, which was across from Grandpa and Grandma's hotel. Then the girls were ready to swim again, so we went back to our hotel for the night.
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