Deep in the Heart of Texas
Since it is now 2007, our vacation blog is changing it's name. We'll be going to Texas in Februrary and will soon be posting news from that trip.
The Texas trip is sort of like a coda to our California trip, which we blogged here in 2006. On our way home, in the Atlanta airport, we took a bump so that we could get passes for a future trip. Our tickets came from that.
We're holding our breath now, though. Because we lost more than a week of school due to the October Surprise snowstorm, our snowdays are more than used up. If we lose any more days between now and the February break, we'll be required to go to school during that time. We made sure our tickets were refundable before we got them and we aren't prepaying hotels this time, just in case. It's been a mild winter, though, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.
We considered a lot of places before we decided on Texas. Julie was a little hesitant to go to Texas at first, and I couldn't really figure out why. I have since discovered that she has three reasons, really. First, it's where George W. Bush is from, and she wants nothing to do with him. Second, her grandfather told her tall tales about spiders that were big enough to grab a person by the leg and drag them down their hole. The could run faster than a horse and the only way to kill them was to pour gas on them and light them on fire, which would make them scream like a woman as they ran across the desert. Finally:
[Note: The original video from YouTube was removed. It was SpongeBob and Patrick making fun of Texas. More importantly, our trip to Texas was cancelled because the "October Surprise" storm of 2006 cancelled school for so long that they ended up taking away some of our vacation days.]
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